Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Rainbow Childs - Red - Chapter 1.2

 Because why not start off every chapter with a birthday like I did in my 100 baby challenge ?

 And there's Maroon! The one in the panda-hoodie!

 And he's a WITCH! Just like his mother!

 Maroon: Omg where did my horsie go? :c

Maroon: Oh! There it is!

 Maroon: LALALALA!

 I got some new eyes btw, and I don't know for sure what I think of them. I don't like the black thingy at the eyelid.
I couldn't find any better though.

 SO GLISTENING! Here eyes look pretty awesome.

 But I like Russet's eyes the most. 

 Oh look, my lost ghost is back from being lost!

 Bianca & Maroon: *judging*

 Russet: Night, night sweetheart! 

 That thing was up crying half of the night. 

 Russet: I love you babe...
Bianca: I SO want a computer!


 Bianca: My little thing, I'm going stir crazy here, would you mind if I go out for a while?

 Bianca: Never fall in love, kid, you'll just end up stir crazy in a small wooden house with two toddlers, while your husband is out chasing ghosts.

 Russet: *choking*


 Maroon: Don't worry about my future, mother. I won't be stir crazy, I'll just kill whatever get into my way!
Bianca: Oh my, that's such a wonderful plan!

 Bianca: I'm so happy I just have to poke my thumb through my hand!!!

 I was going to take a picture in the park but a tree came in the way.

Look how cute he's running!
Like a little girl, but he's really a full grown hairy man!



 Omg this is so awesome. I love the toads, they're so cute and creepy.

 I've gotten a few bugs in my game, that sometimes the sim just disappeares into the ground but everyone can talk to the sim and do stuff, but I CAN'T SEE WHO OR WHAT IT IS?!
It's so annoying!

 WerewolfDude: HUG ME! <3
Woman: Ugh no! So much hair! Ughhh!

 Toad: Can I please get some money so I can go to the science lab and then they'll hopefully turn me back into a sim? Please?

 Bianca: Ohmygod a fairy! Please give me some of that fairy dust you guys have!

 Bianca: YAAY!!!

 Bianca: Now let's try!



Later that night:
 Look who's house Russet was hunting ghosts at?


 Welcome back!

 Oh god why. I bought the same wardrobe and she TOOK THE SAME DAMN WARDROBE.
Just leave it alone!

 What are you trying to do now..?
Steal the WALL?

 Since I need portraits, I bought an easel.

 Having fun, Russet?

 Birthday with a sparkly mommy!
Whatever, now when I remember it, Bianca fullfilled her LTW (that thingy with §100,000).

 Well hello there sexy.

 Russet is literally thinking of a carebox.
He's trying to deal with the pain of the missing wardrobe.

 Told ya.

 I bought a suitcase instead of a new wardrobe.
I realise now how much Crim would fit into the brown generation but too bad he's red.

 This is our firstborn son!
He looks so grumpy!
His third trait is Ambitious.

 Crim: Oh dang it, father. Just look at our table! It's disgusting.

 Crim: Are you gonna wash my plate too? I hate doing the dishes!

 Russet: SON! I can't get to your plate, there's a table in the way!!! I'M SORRY!
Crim: Whatever I'm gonna go check out your trophy and pretend it's mine.

 Crim: Hi there little brother that I love more than anything.

Crim: And thank YOU for the lollipop!


 Crim: I can make money on this.

 Better start practising now!

 I regret myself and wanted to build my own house to make everything special, so I moved the family to an empty lot.
Crim: I bet it's haunted.
Of course, it's just a lawn...

 And BAAM! Now there's a house here!
It's not the most beautiful house ever, but I wanted to make it so I can build more if I feel like it.
And it's red because we're in generation red now!

 Russet met his first evil ghost today.

 Russet: You don't feel like going to the other side? I bet they've got cookies!

Russet: Oh. Sorry!

 DedricTheEvilGhost: I do like this house to much, it makes me happy.

 Russet: I bet a gravestone is just as good! You won't know until you try it...

 Russet: Now look at this thing, it's what I suck up ghosts with. Because I don't like ghosts and neither does anyone else, and we don't want you around, so please let me use this on you.

 DedricTheEvilGhost: Oh god, that thing's awesome! But no.

 DedricTheEvilGhost: You see, I just wanna find true love...

 Russet: Ehm, are you flirting with me?

 Russet: I bet there must be a beautiful ghost woman next to your grave. You don't feel like going back there?

 Russet: Oh, by the way, I thought you ghosts would wear sheets!

 Russet: Like in movies and stuff, they always wear sheets! Why don't you do it?

 DedricTheEvilGhost: Oh, I thought that too actually! I got surprised when I got to wear my own clothes!

 Russet: Is that true?! Dude, when I die, I totally gonna bring a sheet with me!

 DedricTheEvilGhost: Sounds like an awesome plan for the future!

 I was trying to take a picture but yet another tree got in the way... *sigh*

 I got tired of trying to befriend Dedric, so I let Russet take his ghost-sucking-thingy and force poor Dedric to the other side.
Doesn't your legs hurt, Russet?

 Russet: Oh dang it, they do actually...
Stupid Russet.

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